• Parenting

    How can I make shared parenting easier?

    You knew that going into a divorce there would be challenges, especially around having a shared parenting arrangement with this person that you decided you couldn’t live with anymore.  But let’s be honest – it’s harder than you thought it would be. There are things you can do to make shared parenting easier, and also to focus on looking after yourself and your children through this ongoing imperfect arrangement. Here are some tips that will help. Work with what you’ve got You can’t change who your co-parent is, and you can’t control what they do or how they react to you. Now is the time to take the high road…

  • Freedom

    Financial Empowerment in Divorce

    Divorce is hard, and can be very daunting. One of the reasons why people find it so hard is because they are thrown into a financial and practical state of being single again, when for the length of the relationship…

  • Family Law

    Parenting in Separated Families

    Parenting as part of a separated family is one of the most challenging things you can do. Your relationship with your ex-partner ended because it wasn’t working, and now you still are forced to keep ‘working’ with this person as…

  • Family Law

    What is Economic Abuse?

    Abuse can take a number of different forms, and it is not always easy to spot. One very common way that a partner might abuse you is through economic abuse. This blog looks at what economic abuse is, and what…

  • Family Law

    Mental Illness and the Family Court

    Going through a separation and relationship or family breakdown is difficult enough – if you are dealing with a mental health issue at the same time, things can easily become overwhelming. The stress and trauma of separation can bring on…

  • Family Law

    Five ways to Minimise Legal Costs

    If you are considering separating or have recently separated, one of your first thoughts might be, ‘This is going to be expensive.’  While complicated and drawn-out legal matters, especially where the parties disagree, can become costly there are ways you…

  • Family Law

    Help for Family Violence

    Violence and abuse are never acceptable. If you feel that you or someone you know may be in danger of family violence, something needs to be done. Fortunately, there are many services and resources that can help when you are…

  • Family Law

    COVID and the Family Court

    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives. As social isolation restrictions start to be lifted and the curve seems to be starting to flatten, changes to family law operations remain in place and may need to be…